
Hospital meeting in Florence

Dr Linda Balestrini, medical director Aliveda,and Alberto Butelli area manager, attended a Hospital Meeting at the Casa di Cura Ulivella e Glicini in Florence: A Step Towards New Medical Collaborations Dr. Indennitate, head of the Digestive Endoscopy Service at the Casa di Cura Ulivella e Glicini, together with his staff, received our presentation with interest; […]

Aliveda supports – I Bambini Delle Fate-

This new year begins with a very significant meeting. Aliveda meets the social enterprise -I bambini delle Fate, which for years has been doing extraordinary work to promote the social inclusion of many girls and boys. With over 90 projects already underway, the positive impact that The Fairy Children is having on the community is […]

Medichestorie, The Human Side of Medicine

2024 marks the opening of a new chapter for Aliveda with the exciting launch of ‘Medichestorie’. We are delighted to celebrate our 10 years in business by producing this volume dedicated to the human side of medicine, conveying emotional stories told by doctors.Medichestorie, The Human Side of Medicine, is a work that not only excites, […]

Fenugreek, Reishi and Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a lipid substance found in our bodies and is crucial for building cell membranes, hormone production, and synthesizing vitamin D. However, elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood, particularly LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins), often associated with modern lifestyles and imbalanced diets, can increase the risk of cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis, leading to […]

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